Thursday, August 2, 2012

Salata libaneza cu iaurt si castraveti (Khyar Bi Laban) / Lebanese cucumber and yogurt salad (Khyar Bi Laban)

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Salata cu iaurt si castraveti este foarte renumita pente tot in lume ca in India, numita Raita, in Orientul Mijlociu numita Labane bi khiyar, in Turcia – cacik, in Persia –mast o khahir si Tzatziki in Grecia.
Este simpla, sanatoasa si poate fi pregatita in numai 5 minute.

Yogurt cucumber salad is a very famous dish all around the world, like in India called Raita, in Middle East called Labane bi khiyar, in Turkey cacik, in Persia mast o khahir and Tzatziki in Greece.
It is so simple, healthy and can be prepared in just 5 minutes.

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
  • 400 g iaurt / 400 g yogurt
  • 2 lingurite menta uscata / 2 teaspoons dried mint
  • 2 catei de usuturoi pisati / 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • sare dupa gust / salt to taste
  • 150 g castraveti taiati cubulete / 150 g diced cucumbers

Mod de preparare / Method of preparation

1. Se amesteca iaurtul, menta, usturoiul si sarea, dupa care se adauga castravetii taiati cubulete/  
Mix yogurt, mint, garlic and salt and then add diced cucumbers.

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2. Se amesteca din nou si se serveste rece langa gratare, carne la cuptor sau langa orice fel de mancare cu carne in special cele picante sau legume pe gratar / Mix again and serve it cold beside barbeque, roasted meat or beside any dish with meat especially spicy ones or grilled vegetables.

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